Full quotation from Oscar Cassetti on Quota.

I was in a similar situation but I only wanted the links to be saved into a plain text file. There is no such feature in Facebook the API so I had to resort to a bit a data wrangling. First I saved the page as HTML from my browser then I wrote a simple script that parse the page.

The script

#!/usr/bin/env ruby 
require 'nokogiri'
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
input_file = ARGV[0]
page = Nokogiri.HTML(File.read(input_file))
page.xpath("//div[@class='_4bl9 _5yjp']").each() do |d|
 raw_link = d.xpath("a")[0].attributes["href"].value
 link = URI(raw_link)
 query_string = link.query
 if query_string.nil?
 puts link
 puts CGI.parse(query_string)["u"]

This prints out the links you saved. In the same fashion you can call the Pocket API and add the link rather than printing it out


  • Save the code above to a text file, name it something similar to facebook-export-saved-list.rb.
  • Make it excutable. Ex: chmod a+x facebook-export-saved-list.rb.
  • On your browser, go to facebook.com/saved page, save it as an html file, ex: Saved.html.
  • Run the script:
    /path/to/the/script /path/to/the/html/file > /path/to/the/text/file


    ~/script/170104-facebook-saved-list-exporting.rb ~/Downloads/Saved.html > ~/MegaSave/170104-facebook-saved-link.md


Source: https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-export-all-my-Facebook-saved-read-it-later-links